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Box Office - Buy Tickets

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Live & Direct Events run a number of box office purchase, payment and collection points around the Isle of Sheppey.


We will update you as to times and locations of these box office sessions on this page as well as regular weekly updates on our facebook page which can be found by simply clicking on the facebook logo below.


All ticket purchases are done so on a cash only basis. Please see our T&C's for further detailed information on ticket purchaes for our shows.


In light of the recent impact on the entertainment industry we are still totally committed to keeping costs down and there will be no pirice increase on our tickets for 2022. You will still receive the very best entertainment, performers and shows that you have experienced with us previously and still at a fraction of the cost of many regional and local theatres and venues.

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For weekly updates on box office locations and times please visit our facebook page by clicking this icon :

Box Office - Buy Tickets

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Email Us To Order


You can email us and order your tickets by emailing:



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